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Admission Procedure

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Admission Procedure

Pre Nursery to Class X

1. Admission Procedure starts with Registration of the student. The process begins in the month of December every year. 

2. The admission begins in the month of January. No admission test is taken for Pre-primary and Primary classes students. Their admission is done under On The Spot Admission (OTSA). 

3. Admission in Nursery and K.G. classes will be given on the basis of Birth Certificate. For other classes, Transfer Certificate and Marksheet will be required.

4. Interaction with parents is also the part of admission procedure. 

5. Please collect the fee rules from the school office. There will be no relaxation in fees.


Age Criterion:-

Age Criterion of the student seeking admission in Nursery to Class I as on 31st March of the session:- 

Nursery Age 3 Years & Max Age 4 Years 6 Months

Kindergarten I (KG-I) 4 Years & Max Age 5 Years 6 Months

Kindergarten II (KG-II)  5 Years & Max Age 6 Years 6 Months

class I 6 Years & Max Age 7 Years 6 Months


Note: Right to admission in School is reserved. The school reserves the right to refuse the admission at any stage to any student on academic, medical, disciplinary, or any other ground. The decision of the Secretary will be final in this regard.



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